15 de ago. de 2011

Place them in a song

You say a phrase of love
Place them in a song
I love you and do not forget
And that leaves my heart
From heart to heart, to your heart

Today I woke up with a desire to dance
I woke up early and dance in the dark
I will be as the joy of a baby
And the joy of a Brazilian carnival

Let's have fun and enjoy
I know comosuas imaginations
Your child's utopias
And his dreams of teen

You say a phrase of love
Place them in a song
I love you and do not forget
And that leaves my heart
From heart to heart, to your heart
You say a phrase of love
Place them in a song
I love you and do not forget
And that leaves my heart
From heart to heart, to your heart

Help, please, why? forsaken me
Come on, we'll show the world
I'll take you to behold
You will shake on the floor

I'm crazy, but knowing look after you
As a mother bear takes care of their young
Let the world be like feshion

Oh my God! I do not go, go away
Can not stand it, stand it, stand it anymore
I can not, I know, I do not know who I am
I want to die, die, die
To get away from you

You say a phrase of love
Place them in a song
I love you and do not forget
And that leaves my heart
From heart to heart, to your heart
You say a phrase of love
Place them in a song
I love you and do not forget
And that leaves my heart
From heart to heart, to your heart
You say a phrase of love
Place them in a song
I love you and do not forget
And that leaves my heart
From heart to heart, to your heart
You say a phrase of love
Place them in a song
I love you and do not forget
And that leaves my heart
From heart to heart, to your heart


3 comentários:

  1. Nunca havia entrado aqui e acho que nunca deveria ter entrado pois eu estaria muitoo melhor, esse blog é um horror, se eu conhecesse esse cara que fez eu mataria uma desgraça dessas pq ele deveria ser informado de que ele ñ sabe ser blogueiro. nossa não, porquera eu achava que só tinha no inferno mais agora mudei de idéia.

  2. Desgraçado tira essa bosta do ar logo. mané.

  3. Puta que pariu eu não costumo entrar em outros blogs e xingar ninguém mais nesse aqui eu abro uma exceção pois esse lugar ñ presta nem aqui e nem no inferno. Filho da puta exclui logo essa merda.
